RACF is the IBM Security Management product for mainframe operating system.
RACF - Extream Security Manager(ESM).
Profile - RACF stores all this information about users groups and resources in profiles. A profile is a record of RACF information that has is a record of RACF inforamtion that has been defined by the security administratior.
There are 3 profiles.
1) User Profile
An individual member identified by his unique id and verified using a password.
2) Group Profile
A group is a collection of RACF users who share common access requirement to protected resources or who have similar attributes within the system.
3) Resource Profile
Any information stored on a computer system such as datasets, Terminals, volumes etc.
There are two type of Resouce Profile
a) Dataset Profiles
b) General Resource Profiles
RACF - Extream Security Manager(ESM).
Profile - RACF stores all this information about users groups and resources in profiles. A profile is a record of RACF information that has is a record of RACF inforamtion that has been defined by the security administratior.
There are 3 profiles.
1) User Profile
An individual member identified by his unique id and verified using a password.
2) Group Profile
A group is a collection of RACF users who share common access requirement to protected resources or who have similar attributes within the system.
3) Resource Profile
Any information stored on a computer system such as datasets, Terminals, volumes etc.
There are two type of Resouce Profile
a) Dataset Profiles
b) General Resource Profiles